Audio settings
To adjust the volume your different inputs you'll firstly need to open your audio settings. Select the mixer icon to open your audio settings.
The audio settings mixer icon is accessible from both the events screen (above) and the broadcast screen, meaning you can set up your audio before you start your live event and adjust as needed while you're on air.
Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the volume for each input channel by clicking on the white fader bar and dragging this up or down.
If you see a 'CLIP' warning, this means your audio from this input channel is being distorted.ย
Drag the fader down until the 'CLIP' warning stops displaying to stop the audio from distorting.
TIP: if you can see the visual display indicators for the channel lighting up but you can't hear anything, you may need to activate monitoring.
Snap to 0 dB
By default the fader bars will 'snap' - or jump - to 0 dB (decibels) when you drag them near that setting. (0 dB means that the audio signal in this channel hasn't been increased or reduced in volume from the original source.)
If you want to deactivate this feature you can do so via the Preferences window.
Open the Preferences window
Open the Preferences window by clicking the Window tab in the Mixlr desktop app and clicking 'Preferences'.
On Mac you'll find the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Mixer: Snap to 0DB
Click the button to the right of 'Mixer: Snap to 0DB' to toggle this feature on or off.
Once you have set your new value you can close the Preferences window - the new settings will save automatically.