If you have a co-host based in another location or if you want to add phone-ins to your live broadcast, the best way to include them is by connecting an online audio messaging application to Mixlr.
You can do this by using Mixlr AudioLink, an audio device that is installed when you download Mixlr. (If you're unable to use Mixlr AudioLink, check out these steps.)
Read on to get set up with the following audio messaging applications so you can broadcast a phone call via:
The steps outlined below can also be used with any online audio messaging application that allows the user to select an audio output.
Send your phone-in audio to Mixlr
You will need to set the audio output on your chosen messaging application to Mixlr AudioLink. This can usually be found under Options, Settings, or Preferences.
If you haven't updated your audio options in Zoom, Google Meet or Teams, it will probably have your built-in speakers or headphones currently selected.
Launch the Zoom desktop app and select the Zoom Workplace tab
Select Settings from the drop-down menu
Select Audio
Under Speaker, select Mixlr AudioLink from the available options
Google Meet
Launch the Google Meet desktop app and select your meeting
For an instant meeting: select the microphone icon > speakers icon
For a scheduled meeting: select the speakers icon (example image below)
Select Mixlr AudioLink from the available options
Launch the Teams app and select Settings (...)
Select Devices (with the headphones icon)
Under Speaker, select Mixlr AudioLink from the available options
Select your new audio input within your audio settings
Now that you have set up your chosen messaging application's audio output to send the live phone-in audio to the Mixlr app, you will need to select this as the new audio input.
1. Launch the Mixlr desktop app
2. Select the mixer icon to open your audio settings
Your audio settings are accessible from both the Creators dashboard (above) and the broadcast screen, meaning you can set up your audio before you start your live event and adjust as needed while you're on air.
3. From your audio settings window, click Select Source for either Mic or Any Input channels to bring up the list of input options
4. Select Mixlr AudioLink > Channels 1 and 2 from the list
5. When Mixlr AudioLink has been selected you will see it listed as the input for this channel, where 'Select Source' was previously displayed
Hearing your caller in Mixlr
Because you have set the audio output in your messaging application to Mixlr AudioLink, you won't be able to hear your caller through your headphones or speakers.
In order to hear your caller you will need to activate monitoring.